US Port Deploys Novel Emissions Capture Technology

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday August 13, 2024

A port of the west coast of the United States has introduced a new way of controlling emissions from ships working cargo.

A ship's harmful emissions are collected by barge which attaches a filter to the ship's exhaust stack, according to the port authority. The barges are powered by biofuel.

The emissions capture and control technology was necessitated by storm damage to Huemene's shoreside power system. The pollutants targeted by the technology include particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen.

It's a low cost and flexible system, according to Mike Walker, chief executive of Stax Engineering, the company that makes the capture and control equipment.

"Shore power isn't always available due to factors like major storms, limited outlet access, and vessel incompatibility," Walker said.

"Our solution addresses these challenges, providing an easy, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution that solves the at-berth regulation requirements for ports like the Port of Hueneme."