Malaysian Authorities Detain Tanker Involved in Singapore Collision

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday July 22, 2024

Malaysia's authorities have detained one of the tankers involved in a collision in Singapore last week after it was towed away from the site of the incident.

The Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency detained the tanker Ceres I about 28 nautical miles north-east of Tioman Island at about 1:20 AM local time on Sunday, the organisation said in a social media post.

Two tugs suspected of being involved in moving the tanker away from the site of the collision were also detained.

Fires broke out on the Singapore-flagged tanker Hafnia Nile and the São Tomé and Príncipe-flagged tanker Ceres I after a collision on Friday morning.

The Ceres I has in the past been involved in carrying crude from Iran, according to media reports. Ships in the so-called 'dark fleet' engaged covertly in this kind of trade have faced criticism in recent months over their safety records and insurance status.