Onboard Carbon Capture Tech Gets AIP From Korean Register

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday February 2, 2022

Technology that takes carbon dioxide (CO2) from a ship's exhaust has got approval in principle (AIP) from the Korean Register of Ships (KR).

Two firms -- Samsung Heavy Industries and Panasia -- are behind the innovation.

The technology is described as an "optimized wet absorption type carbon dioxide capture device" and aims to meet the need for "additional carbon reduction technology to realize carbon neutrality in the mid- to long-term", according to KR.

Executive vice president of KR's R&D division, Daeheon Kim, said: "This AIP is an important step to help shipping companies stay compliant with the stringent decarbonization regulations."

The system, which is the first of its kind to be developed in South Korea, took three years to develop.