Two Ships Collide in Suez Canal

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday August 23, 2023

An LNG carrier and a products tanker collided in the Suez Canal on Wednesday, with traffic reported to have been unaffected.

The LNG carrier BW Lesmes and the products tanker BurriĀ collided in the canal early on Wednesday, news agency Reuters reported, citing a report from ship tracking firm MarineTraffic.

Egyptian media firm AlQahera news citedĀ Suez Canal Authority Chairman Osama Rabie as saying that a ship broke down in the navigation course and was being towed away.

Shipping traffic continues to flow normally through the canal, according to the report.

The Suez Canal is a key chokepoint for global shipping. Blockages are rare, but any delays to traffic through the waterway can cause significant knock-on effects to global trade.