UK Govt's Shipping Emissions Policy Refresh to be published 'as Soon as Possible'

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday January 15, 2024

An opposition member of parliament has questioned the UK government's lack of progress in publishing its updated plan to curtail shipping emisisons.

Mike Kane, who holds the shadow brief for shipping, asked shipping minister Anthony Browne late last month when a refreshed version of its policy Maritime 2050, promised in 2023, would be made available?

"The clean maritime plan is being refreshed and we will publish it as soon as possible," Browne replied. "We are taking in and analysing a very wide range of evidence from a wide range of different people."

Transport environmental organisation Transport & Environment has criticised the UK government's policy on shipping emissions as lacking bite.

Polling intentions in the UK's general election, expected later this year, point to a major swing in support away from the party in government to opposition political parties.