LNG Bunker Tank Collision Highlights Basic Errors and Design Flaws, Says Seafarer

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday August 6, 2024

Basic health and safety mistakes were made in the ship collision that ruptured a liquified natural gas bunker tank, an experienced seafarer has said.

Writing in maritime news provider Tradewinds, Captain Rajesh J Dhadwal, who has serveral years' experience of LNG and tanker sectors, viewed the video of the incident and was alarmed at what he saw. Instead of moving away from the site of the incident, the footage shows crew doing the opposite.

"The best course of action would have been to keep everyone completely clear of the impact area and keep firefighting equipment in readiness, throughout the vessel, as the vapour cloud can also easily find its way into the other areas of the ship, such as accommodation and engine spaces," Dhadwal said.

He also noticed that the position of the bunker tank of the ship's deck is a cause for concern.

"I am certain that there should be a design review of these LNG tanks with respect to their location for collision impact.

"Currently, these are stationed right next to the side shell plating and this incident has highlighted their vulnerability."

The video of the collision involving a portside type-C bunker tank happened last month was posted on social media.