BUNKER JOBS: Integr8 Seeks Bunker Trader in Dubai

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday June 3, 2024

Marine fuel trading firm Integr8 Fuels is seeking to hire a bunker trader in Dubai.

The company is looking for candidates with experience in shipping or commodities and strong verbal communication skills, it said in a job advertisement on LinkedIn last week.

The advertisement lists the following responsibilities for the role:

  • Conduct market research to identify and contact prospective new/potential customers.
  • Market Integr8 and its products to customers
  • Increase the customer engagement and build your own customer portfolio.
  • Learn about bunker contract terms (GTCs, bunker specifications, claims and liabilities).
  • Understand the process chain of dispute resolution and mitigating measures
  • Grow market knowledge and understanding to perfect your pitch and customer communications.
  • Undergo compliance training

For more information, click here.