Turkey Steps Up Inspections for Excess Bunkers

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday February 9, 2022

The Turkish authorities have stepped up efforts to inspect and fine ships found to be carrying more bunker fuel than declared on their customs documents.

The increased activity is leading to fines, criminal proceedings and delays, according to insurance association Standard Club.

"According to the Turkish Customs Regulations, seagoing vessels (Turkish and foreign flagged) entering Turkish ports must report the quantity of bunkers on board the vessel (via Ship's Stores Lists declarations) to the customs administration," the organisation said in a note on its website.

"If there is a difference between the declared figures and the quantity calculated by the local authorities, the customs authorities may impose customs fines on the owners and crew, or even initiate criminal proceedings.

"The difference in the quantity may be detected by routine controls of custom authorities, who may then carry out an onboard inspection."

The association recommends its members pay 'particular attention' to their bunker quality declarations in Turkish waters, measuring the quantity with tank soundings.