Maersk Zero Centre to Host Webinar on IMO Mid-term Measures

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday September 9, 2024

The direction of travel for regulations on shipping emissions is the focus of a webinar this week organised by the Maersk Mckinney Moller Centre for Zero Carbon Shipping.

The webinar -- Turning point: How ambitious International Maritime Organisation mid-term measures can decarbonise shipping -- comes ahead on next Marine Environment Protection Committee meeting ( MEPC82) to be held held in London at the end of the month.

Among the participating speakers are chair of IMO Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships, Sveinung Oftedal, David Victor who is a professor at the University of California, San Diego and chair in Innovation and Public Policy at the Center on Global Transformation and the head of MMMCZCS, Bo Cerup-Simonsen.

The webinar will tackle the significance of the IMO's mid-term measure and what must be agreed to drive greenhouse gas reductions in shipping forward.

At MEPC80, IMO member states agreed a strategy to reduce GHG emissions from shipping to net zero by 2050. How that will happen using both technical and economic measures is at the core of the MEPC's next meeting.

The webinar is on September 12. For more information click here.