Norway's Arctic Council Stewardship Should Pave way for Progress on Black Carbon

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday February 6, 2024

Norway's stewardship of the Arctic Council has opened a way forward to act on shipping emissions in the region.

The Scandinavian state took over the council chair from Russia in May. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, co-operation between council members had been limited.

According to non-governmental organisation Bellona, Norway wants to see progress on black carbon emissions from ships in the Arctic region.

Bellona met with council chair Morten Hoglund on the sidelines of the Arctic Frontiers conference held in Tromso this week, the organisation said.

Against a background of increasing shipping activity in the region, Bellona urged Hoglund to press ahead with black carbon emissions target.

Bellona's Sigurd Enge told the council chair that "in the alternative energy sector there is a lack of knowledge about production potential, environmental impact, and the future need for alternative energy for the Arctic green shift, especially for shipping.

"Do the different alternative fuel types have a worse impact in Arctic's condition?

"One of the Arctic Council's core tasks is to establish a common fact base for the Arctic nations' challenges. Energy is a main driver for a fossil free arctic shipping sector."

Bellona is a Norwegian ngo based in Oslo. Arctic Council membership comprises Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden, and the United States.