Palma to Stick With Cruise Call Restrictions

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday May 21, 2024

Limits on cruise ship access to the Spanish port of Palma on the island of Mallorca are set to continue, according to a UK newspaper report.

Since 2022, ship arrivals at Palma have been restricted to three a day where only one of these visiting ships can have more than 5,000 passengers.

Attempts to limit cruise calls has been replicated at other European port cities such as Venice and Barcelona. However, moves from some Spanish politicians to further tighten restrictions on cruise ship visits to Spanish ports could have no legal basis.

A government response to written questions from Sumar FĂ©lix Alonso and Vicen Vidal said that limiting cruise ship access to Spanish ports lacked the necessary legal framework, according to a report by Europa Press.

Environmentalists criticise the cruise industry on public health grounds while the growth in tourist numbers to popular destinations has prompted calls by local residents for restrictions.