Spain: Oil Spill Ship Detained Until Fine Paid

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday September 10, 2024

The ship responsible for a spill of bunker fuel in the Spanish port of Las Palmas has been detained in the port until a fine is paid.

The fine is EUR 340,000 ($375,000) includes monies to cover cleaning up costs and a deposit on a fine, according to local news provider Canarian Weely.

The spill happened last week when the Akhisar was refuelling in the port. Around 1,800 litres of fuel oil was released into the sea water, according to press reports.

A state of emergency that was declared by local government in response to the oil spill ended on September 8. The incident happened on September 4.

Since the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989, governments and industry have acted to reduce such incidents. Oil spills linked to ships tend to be smallscale and related to operational events.