Sonan Bunkers Hires New Staff Member in Denmark

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Monday August 12, 2024

Marine fuel trading firm Sonan Bunkers has hired a new staff member in Denmark.

Lars Ougter Olsen has joined the firm's Denmark office as of August 12, the company said in a LinkedIn post on Monday.

Olsen previously worked as the business development manager for Weathernews Inc in Denmark from August 2022 to this month.

He had earlier worked as a sales executive for World Fuel Services from 2011 to 2022.

"Lars brings a wealth of experience," the company said in the post.

"His deep industry knowledge and proven track record make him a valuable addition to our team."

Sonan Bunkers is in the process of expanding, and last month it was announced the firm had received a £50 million financing package from HSBC.