Clarity, Collaboration Will Move Decarbonisation Forward: IMO

by Julian Macqueen, Senior Editor, Ship & Bunker
Monday October 9, 2023

The International Maritime Organisation is seeing stronger determination from the maritime industry to move forward on decarbonisation following agreement on shipping's decarbonisation pathway at MEPC80 in July, the organisation's secretary-general has said.

The motivation to act is higher from shipowners as well as other maritime sectors such as bunkering and shipbuilding, Kitack Lim said.

Collaboration between parties is key to delivering the IMO's decarbonisation plans, he told the media at a London press briefing.

The IMO will encourage collaboration between ports and between shipping and ports.

Ports in developing states are keen to play their part, Lim added.

The economic measures that are part of the IMO's decarbonisation strategy could help fund port decarbonisation through, for example, how to provide bunkering services [for alternative fuels].

Lim said that agreeing a strategy and pathway had provided the maritime sector with clarity from which he hoped collaboration would increase.

To this end, the IMO has convened a stakeholder meeting in London early next month, Lim said.