IMO Training Course on Maritime Decarbonisation Aimed at LDCs, SIDS

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Wednesday February 7, 2024

Maritime professionals looking for training in sustainable maritime transport could apply to the International Maritime Organisation under a new scheme.

The year-long course, called GHG-SMART, is aimed at professionals working in the maritime sectors from the least developed (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS).

Developing a national action plan for maritime decarbonisation, raising finance for decarbonisation projects and identifying specific training needs related to port and hinterland sustainable transport initiatives form part of the course which would happen via online training course and field visits, according to the IMO.

Qualifying members states may nominate up to two candidates (one must be a female). GHG-SMART is funded by the Republic of Korea and the deadline for nominations 16 February.