Maritime Authority of Jamaica Appoints New Director General

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday May 17, 2024

The Maritime Authority of Jamaica has appointed a new director general.

Bertrand Smith has taken up the role of the authority's director general, MAJ said in an emailed statement this week.

Smith has led Jamaican delegations at the regional and international level, and is the current head of delegation to the IMO's legal committee and marine environment protection committee. He had previously served as MAJ's director of legal affairs.

"Partnerships will play a big role in the modernisation of the Jamaican shipping industry and the promotion of sustainable shipping in our waters," Smith said in the statement.

"The MAJ looks forward to deepening its partnerships with private and public stakeholders in the local and international shipping industry."

Smith is taking over the role from Peter Brady, who announced his retirement last month after serving in the role since the authority was set up in 1999.