Osaka Gas Joins SEA-LNG

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday August 20, 2024

Japanese utility firm Osaka Gas has joined LNG bunker industry body SEA-LNG.

The firm is seeking to develop a global coalition dedicated to synthetic LNG, SEA-LNG said in an emailed statement on Tuesday.

"LNG's global bunkering infrastructure continues to expand with Osaka Gas playing a critical role," Peter Keller, chairman of SEA-LNG, said in the statement.

"Osaka Gas brings over a century of corporate expertise and decades of experience in LNG operations in Japan.

"With its plan to support the adaption of liquified e-methane, it is emphasising how energy majors, shipowners and other LNG value chain stakeholders can work collaboratively to transition from LNG's immediate emissions reductions to net-zero e-methane.

"Our work together highlights how the LNG pathway represents a safe, realistic and practical solution utilising existing and proven infrastructure."

Osaka Gas announced plans to launch LNG bunker supply in Japan last summer.