Mitsui to Build Clean Ammonia Plant in UAE

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Tuesday June 25, 2024

A clean ammonia plant is to be built in Al Ruwais in the United Arab Emirates by partners Mitsui & Co, Abu Dhabi National OIl Company, Fertiglobe and GS Energy Corporation.

"Starting from 2027, the plant is expected to produce 1 million tons per year of ammonia with lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions compared to conventional ammonia," according to Mitsui.

"To achieve CO2 emission reductions, additional facilities will be installed in the plant to capture and store CO2 emitted in the manufacturing process, with plans to begin production of clean ammonia by 2030," it added.

Mitsui will offtake a certain volume of the clean ammonia produced at the plant for supplying Japan and other Asian markets for a range of uses including "fuel applications", according to the company.

Ammonia is seen as a possible future fuel for shipping. The handling the fuel carries safety concerns, there are a number of studies and pilot projects in train in the maritime sector.

Al Ruwais is located to the west of Abu Dhabi.