Bulker Runs Aground in South Africa After Crew Evacuated

by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday July 12, 2024

The dry bulk carrier abandoned by its crew off South Africa earlier this week after excessive listing has now run aground.

The bulker Ultra Galaxy ran aground on July 9 on South Africa's west coast, Transworld Fleet Management said in an emailed statement on Friday.

18 Filipino seafarers from the vessel were recovered from a life raft in the Atlantic on Monday after abandoning the ship about 60 nautical miles west of Doring Bay. No injuries have been reported.

"We are closely working with the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) and the appointed salvors, focusing all efforts on the vessel's recovery," Transworld Fleet Management said.

"There are no initial reports of pollution and as a precautionary measure oil spill response equipment and assets have been mobilised although operations are currently hampered by the adverse weather conditions.

"Two tugs are standing by close to the vessel, awaiting a suitable break in the weather to resume operations. The protection of the environment remains our top priority."