Tue11Feb |
Increased industrial activity and mobility are cited as factors driving demand. |
Mon10Feb |
The new guidance from the IMO allows for conventional bunker ships to carry biofuel blends of up to 30% by volume. |
Mon10Feb |
Leak at Brani regional base saw 23 metric tonnes of diesel going into sea. |
Mon10Feb |
Chantale Nasr has been appointed to the role of bunker trading manager for Med Petroleum in Dubai as of this month. |
Mon10Feb |
Through investment tie up, Singapore start ups and foreign start ups setting up in Singapore will be able to access Japanese investors and expertise. |
Mon10Feb |
The hub is planned to be developed at Tanjung Langsat Port, Johor. |
Mon10Feb |
ARA bunker volumes may decline without tougher MFM regulation, TFG Marine's Kenneth Dam tells Ship & Bunker. |
Mon10Feb |
The ammonia-fuelled medium gas carrier is set to be delivered in November 2026. |
Mon10Feb |
The new hire was previously a senior bunker trader for Rudder SAM in Greece. |
Mon10Feb |
Ship & Bunker's G20-VLSFO Index sank by $2.50/mt to its lowest level since January 10 on Friday. |