Fri20Dec |
The company is looking for candidates with strong experience in B2B bunker trading, an existing portfolio and excellent English and Greek. |
Fri20Dec |
Annualising Fujairah's year-to-date sales gives a 2024 total of 7.65 million mt, up by 2.2% on the year and the most since 2022. |
Fri20Dec |
The company is looking for candidates with market analyst experience in cargo or bunker trading. |
Thu19Dec |
But recent reports suggest the market is more resilient than investors may think. |
Thu19Dec |
Have you sold bunkers to a recently scrapped vessel? Check here with VesselsValue's demolition sales from December 12 – December 18, 2024. |
Thu19Dec |
The engine will be installed on the fourth of a series of 16,000 TEU container vessels being built for COSCO Shipping Lines. |
Thu19Dec |
The firm's car carrier the Viking Ocean took on a B24-VLSFO blend at the Yokohama Daikoku C-4 Terminal on December 9. |
Thu19Dec |
Angeliki Theodoropoulou has joined Baseblue as a trader in its Piraeus office as of October. |
Thu19Dec |
Ship & Bunker's G20-VLSFO Index lost $1.50/mt to $575.50/mt on Wednesday, reaching its lowest level since December 13. |
Thu19Dec |
The ICS board has appointed Thomas A Kazakos to take over from Guy Platten as secretary general in June 2025. |