Fri02Feb |
The firm's board now consists of seven directors, with three executive members being appointed from within the group and a new non-executive member. |
Fri02Feb |
Ship & Bunker's G20-VLSFO Index fell to the lowest level since January 26 on Thursday. |
Fri02Feb |
The new hire was previously a head of trading desk at Bunker Holding in Copenhagen from September 2021 to April 2023. |
Thu01Feb |
In 2023, the maritime industry experienced a notable increase in fuel pump problems, according to Viswa Lab data. |
Thu01Feb |
Have you sold bunkers to a recently scrapped vessel? Check here with VesselsValue's demolition sales from January 25 – January 31, 2024. |
Thu01Feb |
The incident happened at about 10:00 AM UTC on Thursday 57 nautical miles west of Al Hudaydah in Yemen. |
Thu01Feb |
The UN body's revised GHG strategy should provide enough impetus for the industry to start shifting into alternative fuel supply, new IMO Secretary General Arsenio Dominguez tells Ship & Bunker. |
Thu01Feb |
The new hire was previously a bunker trader for Chimbusco Pan Nation Petro-Chemical Co in London from November 2017 to last month. |
Thu01Feb |
The new manager has worked for the company since August 2019, serving previously as a bunker trader and operator in Rotterdam. |
Thu01Feb |
The new hire was previously a senior bunker trader at MGN Bunkering and Energy in Istanbul from June 2023 to last month. |
Thu01Feb |
SEA-LNG released a press statement on Thursday saying the recent ICCT study 'suffers from a range of significant methodological limitations'. |
Thu01Feb |
Vitol Bunkers will use the e-BDN service from ZeroNorth to digitalise its operations. |
Thu01Feb |
V-Bunkers delivered a total of about 190,000 mt of the blends in 2023, or almost 36% of the city-state's total. |
Thu01Feb |
Ship & Bunker's G20-VLSFO Index rose to the highest level since November 23 on Wednesday. |
Thu01Feb |
The new hire had previously worked for World Fuel Services from November 2019 to May 2023. |
Thu01Feb |
The company is looking for candidates with at least two years of relevant experience, as well as fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese. |
Thu01Feb |
The firm has hired Nando Duikersloot, Romy Duikersloot and Nick de Haan to add to its trading staff, a company representative tells Ship & Bunker. |