July, 2024
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The firm will test a B20-VLSFO blend using the MASH Makes product in a ship in Singapore later this summer.
DS Norden to Test MASH Makes Biofuel
The new manager was previously an independent bunker broker in Vietnam from June 2016 to this month.
Bunker Firm Helios Petroleum Appoints Vietnam Country Manager
The 11,000 TEU TM Together took on a B30-HSFO blend at Busan last week.
Yang Ming Boxship Takes on Biofuel Bunker Blend in South Korea
This is the second data-falsification scandal hitting a Japanese engine manufacturer this year.
Japanese Engine Firm Falsified Fuel-Efficiency Data for 1,366 Ships
The company is looking for candidates with proven experience in B2B trading and an established portfolio of customers.
BUNKER JOBS: European Bunker Firm Seeks Senior Trader for New Singapore Office
The firm has opened a new office in Singapore and hired a regional manager and senior trader.
GeoServe Opens Singapore Office
The pair pleaded guilty in Singapore's High Court on July 2, and face sentencing on July 25.
Former Shell Employees Plead Guilty in MGO Misappropriation Case
The four firms have signed a memorandum of understanding setting out plans to develop more bunker delivery vessels capable of handling alternative fuels.
Consort Bunkers Signs Alternative Fuels Partnership Deal
The firm set up its Singapore operation in October 2019.
Singapore Unit of Gazpromneft Marine Lubricants to Be Wound Up
The new senior trader has worked for the company since July 2021.
Island Oil Appoints Senior Trader in Singapore